Your Journey In Piano Made Simple and Enjoyable

Want to start
learning piano today?

Start your piano journey today
with the FREE starter guide

Hello there!

I'm Dennis Miclau, musician and piano coach/instructor. I want to thank you for stopping by!

If you are looking for a way to start learning how to play the piano or already have some background in piano, but want to extend your learning to another level; this is the place to be.

Being around the piano and playing it for more than 30 years, has brought me so much appreciation for what music can do for all of us.

As a pianist that plays music regularly and teaches other's the way of music; I have seen the power through music and how it brings people together.

For me, the piano has been kinda' my life story.

Ever since I learned my first song at the age of 9. Throughout the years of playing, the piano has been a place for me to find joy, relaxation, meditation, and inspiration.

Yes, even through the good and bad times, I was able to just sit and play and let the sound from every key be a therapeutic instance, for what that moment was for me.

So, back in 2016 I had this thought:

What would it look like to go virtually with my teaching and coaching, for piano learner's?

At that time, I had about 20 students that I was consistently teaching, and also having a 9 to 5 job made it a bit chaotic to get to everyone's place. Or, even getting in time to my own teaching studio was a stretch. It all just became to stressful to get to one place to another.

I had spent most of that year with just the thought, but by 2017 I had outlined with an ideation of what it would look like, to go all virtual. By fall of 2017, I was able to launch, this very site

Virtual Piano Coach is the greatest thing that has happened in my teaching and coaching career. Whether you are just starting out fresh from the beginning or have been playing consistently for many years. There will always be new things we can all learn from each other, in our journey of playing piano.

Playing the piano is a lifetime experience. Learn while you can!

For me, the piano has been kinda' my life story.

Ever since I learned my first song at the age of 9. Throughout the years of playing, the piano has been a place for me to find joy, relaxation, meditation, and inspiration.

Yes, even through the good and bad times, I was able to just sit and play and let the sound from every key be a therapeutic instance, for what that moment was for me.

Virtual Piano Coach is the greatest thing that has happened in my teaching and coaching career. Whether you are just starting out fresh from the beginning or have been playing consistently for many years. There will always be new things we can all learn from each other, in our journey of playing piano.

Playing the piano is a lifetime experience. Learn while you can!

Hello there!

I'm Dennis Miclau, musician and piano coach/instructor. I want to thank you for stopping by!

If you are looking for a way to start learning how to play the piano or already have some background in piano, but want to extend your learning to another level; this is the place to be.

Being around the piano and playing it for more than 30 years, has brought me so much appreciation for what music can do for all of us.

As a pianist that plays music regularly and teaches other's the way of music; I have seen the power through music and how it brings people together.

So, back in 2016 I had this thought:

What would it look like to go virtually with my teaching and coaching, for piano learner's?

At that time, I had about 20 students that I was consistently teaching, and also having a 9 to 5 job made it a bit chaotic to get to everyone's place. Or, even getting in time to my own teaching studio was a stretch. It all just became to stressful to get to one place to another.

I had spent most of that year with just the thought, but by 2017 I had outlined with an ideation of what it would look like, to go all virtual. By fall of 2017, I was able to launch, this very site

Want to learn piano
and enjoy your playing?

I've created a FREE starter guide to help you find the right path of learning piano.

Even if you've played piano in the past and are just getting back to playing again, this guide can help you too! 

In this FREE guide I will outline the following and much more:

  • We will discuss the benefits of knowing your “WHY”? and how to stay inspired and motivated throughout your piano learning journey. 


  • What piano or keyboard should you get before you start? 


  • What options are out there for helping you find the right method and direction for your learning? 


  • How to take action on your next steps of learning? 


  • *BONUS: Free mini-lesson included

The 5 things you need to know to help you get started on your piano journey is here
